mom driving part about moving abroad


The best part about moving abroad is that it has given me newfound confidence from facing challenges that I would not have had had I stayed home.

Migration journeys have many reasons. It could be for work, study, reunite with loved ones, change of pace or environment, or to discover oneself and what one is capable of.

Whatever the reason for moving abroad there will be ups and downs along the way. Some might go back in an instant, regret it or love it.

So what is the best part about moving abroad? Better work prospects could be one or climate, health care perhaps or being able to find the best you could be.

Those reasons are no doubt great. But when I sit down and think for a moment what the best part about moving abroad for me is finding out a new me, things that I have forgotten or did not realise I could do and having a newfound confidence.

Moving abroad as an adult is scary. I imagine it is the same with younger people. The security and knowing the place you lived in for nearly all your life like the back of your hand and leave that behind to move to a new place is fun and exciting. But it also knocks the confidence out of you or for me at least.

Moving abroad

It is like waking up as a toddler in a world where I have to learn everything from scratch. 

When I left the Philippines for the first time it was for work. It was my first big adventure which was both exciting and nerve-wracking. However, I made it for four years in one country which for a beginner I guess was great.

I had the support and company of my sister and her husband which helped a lot. Having said that I still had my bit of struggles which looking back now made me more competent and confident in a way.

Next stop 2 other Southeast Asian countries until moving to the UK a decade ago. The move to England, was for family reasons, we were a young family. Everything was new to me and my daughter.

I believe it is kind of new to my husband too because he moved back after many years of living abroad and we all had to learn how to live in our new home.

Does living in a new country help to learn a new language?

Living in a foreign country and immersing in the community is the best way in my opinion to learn a new language.

Language-wise, sure I passed the entry level to be able to pass the visa application. Naturally, I expected to be able communicate in everyday situations like going to shops or engage in small talks in our community.

That was fine but there are accents that I had to learn to understand, non-verbal ways and even verbal communication which were a bit challenging.

I have learnt that what is said sometimes does not literally say what it literally means. There are words and non-verbal ways that I have to decipher which left and could still leave me thinking and feeling mortified for days. 

I haven’t driven in my life until i tried to have lessons here. Learning how to drive on narrow lanes and parking in the most impossibly small space were all new and challenges i thought i would not be able to tackle.

But now i do it and it is not much a big of a deal. I used to look at it and have sleepless nights thinking there is no way i could do this. When I eventually passed my test I suddenly was independent that I could drive to town and do the shopping. I did not have to wait for my husband or the bus to go out anymore.

It was an uncomfortable place that i was able to grow as a person. The personal growth in the past 10 years here and nearly a decade of moving around before settling in England.

I would have never tried to drive and have the independence and confidence that driving gave had i not tried to live in another country.

The best part about moving abroad

A sense of pride that is indescribable after accomplishing tasks and goals that might seem easy and at times negligible when living in a comfortable place like one’s home country.

When done and accomplished outside of your comfort zone there is a feeling of somewhat a super power from inside that you realise that any problem you are faced with you are able to figure out the solution.

Days could be filled with problem solving and over time you sort of start to feel unstoppable because you always figure out the solution no matter how hard it is.

Curious how life is like in the UK for me and my family?

I post photos on Instagram of life in the UK periodically, please check them out.

How about a browse of Filipino recipes or watch our video on the thing I like about living in the UK?

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