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Montessori Way Back-to-School

Here are a few Montessori-inspired tips and ideas that might help your kids feel ready and confident when they go back to the classroom.

A full week had been spent at school by most school-going children in England.

Almost every year, at the end of the summer, do you feel that time off school for the summer went lightning fast?

I feel you.

Parents need to go back to the routine of getting everyone and everything ready for the week ahead.

Get or help everyone to be ready in the mornings for the schoolruns.

School day routines are different from summertime. Summer holidays are more relaxed, this part of town, especially when we do not have anything planned early for the day.

Here are a few Montessori-inspired tips and ideas on how to transition from the holiday to school mode.


A consistent time to get up, get ready for school then, at night a usual time to go to bed every night is aimed for.

Routine is critical to create from the inside and consistency assists in getting focused and less stressed.

Give the child time to concentrate

After school a child feels tired like adults do after work.

When they have homework to do and want to do it after getting home, try to give them time to concentrate on them.

It also helps and calms them to let them know that you are around when they need help with their homework.

Sometimes, children want to do arts and crafts after school to wind down.

They might want to express themselves through arts and crafts or sit down and read a book.

It might help also help them concentrate by keeping a quiet environment and leave them to have an uninterrupted time.

Foster Independence

Independence is essential not only in a Montessori classroom but in general.

Amon goes to a mainstream school but independence is key to whichever institution she and other kids attend.

Developing life skills is essential in the development of a child.

Let them take responsibility, and ownership of their development but reassure them that you are there to support them along the way.

Ask the kids to prepare their uniforms or clothes the night before. Let them choose what they want to wear.

Provide a variety of snacks or food to choose from to pack for the next day.

Choose food boxes that they could independently open and close. Help them practice in advance.

Help kids find pride and pleasure in completing tasks like prepping snacks, getting clothes ready, have the bags ready for the next day.

They will bolt out of the door in the morning knowing they are ready for the day and that they had a big part in it.

Respect the child

Transition from home to school could sometimes be a source of anxiety or stress.

Some children look forward to going back to school.

Some dread even the thought of it.

When they come home during those first days and even weeks, they will be exhausted.

And we have to accept that.

What questions do you ask after school or during the drive on the way home?

My child could be very excited or be quiet when she get in the car.

As an inexperienced mom, I used to ask her how was school today which I have realised exhausted her more.

I also realised that she might feel interrogated because that’s how I felt when I was little.

We can always try to rephrase those questions like this mom did.

Or give kids some quiet time and let them come to you to open up.

By giving them time to process the situation, lots of space, love and encouragement they will feel loved, less stressed about the transition.

To come home to a place where kids would feel welcome, encouragement and freedom to choose their clothes for school, snacks, activities after school might help ease into back to school season.

So, there are a few Montessori-inspired ideas to ease a child back into school.

Do you have rituals or ideas for going back to school?

We do have a handful of rituals that I have noticed we’ve been doing for the years since Amon started school.

Are you looking for snack or lunch ideas for tomorrow or next week?

Why not browse for easy recipes for a dinner idea while you wait for your child to finish the school day?

Looking for ideas or inspiration looking for inspiration? Browse more recipes here or head to FacebookPinterest and Instagram for updates on life in the countryside and beyond.

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